The first 2025 meeting of the ESCOP Board and the ESCOP Scientific Committee took place in Karlsruhe at the headquarters of the company Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co. KG. The delegates visited the manufacturing plant during the morning shift. Dr. Martin Burkard, Vice …
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European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (ESCOP)
The Scientific Foundation for Herbal Medicinal Products
“Phytotherapy is the science-based medicinal use of plants and preparations derived from them, in the treatment, alleviation and / or prevention of disease or injury, according to recognised standards of quality, safety and efficacy.”
35 years building a scientific consensus on herbal medicines.
We produce reviews of the therapeutic use of leading herbal medicinal products or herbal drug preparations based on scientific evidence and on leading expertise across Europe.
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Latest Monographs
Taraxaci radix
Juglandis folium
Epilobii herba
Passiflorae herba
Our Latest News

ESCOP, new Chair and Co-Chair
As a result of the Annual General Meeting of ESCOP in Utrecht (NL), Dr. Evelyn Wolfram (Switzerland) and Prof. Dr. Anna-Rita Bilia (Italy) have been elected as Chair and Co-Chair. ESCOP is deeply grateful to Prof. Liselotte Krenn our long-term Chair, for her incredible …
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Webinar: Evidence-based information in Phytotherapy: The ESCOP monograph Passiflorae Herba
Online: November 12th 2024; 16:00 (CET) Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Liselotte Krenn Member of the ESCOP Board and Sci. Comm. and of the Board of the Austrian Society of Phytotherapy Lecturer of …
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Workshop: Real-world data for the use of herbal medicinal products in children
Photography: Dr. Nico Symma During the International Congress on Natural Products Research in Krakow, Poland, a Workshop "Real-world data to document the use of phytopharmaceuticals in children“ took place on 14 July 2024. The workshop was organized by the GA Foundation Plants …
[Read More...] about Workshop: Real-world data for the use of herbal medicinal products in childrenWhat our users say
ESCOP monographs are undoubtedly a source of fundamental information in the development of Phytotherapy. The information offered is contrasted and updated. Summarizes in a clear and concise way data related to efficacy, dose, and safety for the therapeutic use of herbal drugs. As a professor of Pharmacognosy, I recommend these monographs, which will be very useful for the pharmaceutical professional. (more…)
Acero de Mesa, Nuria (Spain)
Departamento de CC Farmacéuticas y de la Salud, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad San Pablo CEU. Madrid (Spain)In our consulting work on plant products the monographs of ESCOP are the first thing we consult. The monographs are a very good source of valuable and contrasted information. (more…)
Allue, Josep (Spain)
CEO and R&D director. Apdena Consult (Natural Applications and Developments) Sociedad Española de Fitoterapia (Spanish Society of Phytotherapy), SEFITThe ESCOP monographs are one of the essential and most important tools for all health professionals that require reliable and rigorous information on the main phytotherapics for medical use. It also stands out for the professional quality of the academics who participate in its writing. (more…)
Alonso, Jorge R. (Argentina)
Sociedad Latinoamericana de Fitomedicina (Latinoamerican Society of Phytomedicine)In our health care tasks in the area of community pharmacy, the ESCOP monographs are extremely useful as a source of valuable and contrasted information, which allows us to resolve doubts about the dosage of plant products, as well as about interactions, contraindications or uses in special situations. We greatly appreciate this help that allows us to integrate the effective and safe use of phytotherapy in health care. Thanks ESCOP! (more…)
Alonso, Maria José (Spain)
Community pharmaceutical care, Barcelona (Spain). Sociedad Española de Fitoterapia (Spanish Society of Phytotherapy), SEFITIn my constant academic activity, both in teaching and in my scientific research of medicinal plants pharmacology, I require updated and reliable information. The ESCOP monographs are a useful and complete source of information. (more…)
Bustamante, Sandro (Chile)
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile. Sociedad Chilena de Fitoterapia (Chilean Society of Phytotherapy), SOCHIFITOESCOP monographs are one of the best sources of information on the clinical use of herbals. They are accurately prepared, based on up-to-date scientific knowledge, issued from an international consensus, easy to use and highly adapted to the needs of the health professionals. (more…)
Cañigueral, Salvador (Spain)
Unitat de Farmacologia, Farmacognòsia i Terapèutica, Facultat de Farmàcia i Ciències de l’Alimentació, Universitat de Barcelona. Sociedad Española de Fitoterapia (Spanish Society of Phytotherapy), SEFITThe monographs published by ESCOP are a great resource for research and update in herbal medicine. They are committed to the excellence of updated scientific knowledge adapted to the clinical practice of the health professional. (more…)
Fiut, Maria Angélica (Brazil)
Associação Brasileira de Fitoterapia, ABFIT (Brazilian Phytotherapy Association), ABFITThe ESCOP monographs contain extremely valuable up-to-date information not only for research in the fiel of phytotherapy but also for academic teaching and for advanced training events. The information is provided by an independent scientific society committed to the highest scientific standards. (more…)
Fürst, Robert (Germany)
Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology, Faculty of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, GermanyThe monographs of ESCOP are very useful for professionals who are dedicated to Phytotherapy. They are concise and clear and summarize very well the content of each drug. As Professor of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy, I recommend them to my students and they are part of the bibliography of these subjects. The ESCOP presents revisions with scientific rigor, very important to validate phytotherapeutic treatments. (more…)
García Giménez, Mª Dolores (Spain)
Departamento de Farmacología Facultad de Farmacia Universidad de Sevilla (España). Sociedad Española de Fitoterapia (Spanish Society of Phytotherapy), SEFITThe ESCOP monographs are a valuable tool for all professionals involved in herbal medicines. Practitioners, pharmacists and pharmacognosists in academia and industry will find permanently updated scientific literature in the monographs of the presented medicinal plants. They comprise information about composition, dosages, special warnings, interactions, clinical data and toxicity. This compilation is prepared by highly reputated experts and may not be missing in one´s personal library. (more…)
Glasl, Sabine (Austria)
Dpt. of Pharmacognosy, University of Vienna, AustriaESCOP monographs are an important step in the development of scientific standards for herbal medicinal products in Europe. Monographs represent the state of the art in the phytomedical evidence base. They are compiled by an international team of expert authors: the ESCOP Scientific Committee, supported by a panel of Supervising Editors and numerous invited experts. (more…)
Kemper, Fritz H. (Germany) †
Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (ESCOP)ESCOP monographs are a useful tool for teaching medical students about the benefits of preparations from medicinal plants in university courses on natural medicine. They provide concise information particularly on the pharmacological properties and clinical data. (more…)
Kraft, Karin (Germany)
Lehrstuhl für Naturheilkunde Zentrum für Innere Medizin, Universitätsmedizin Rostock, Rostock/GermanyESCOP Monographs are a good resource for researching and teaching, achieving to actualize the knowledge of researchers, professors and students in continue form. (more…)
Martínez Solis, Isabel (Spain)
Departamento de Farmacia, Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera. Sociedad Española de Fitoterapia (Spanish Society of Phytotherapy), SEFITThe ESCOP monographs provide a basis for herbal medicinal products in Europe under specific aspects of the regulatory situation. They are accurately prepared based on up-to-date scientific knowledge. They are therefore an excellent tool for education of health professionals as well as researchers on phytotherapy. (more…)
Nieber, Karen (Germany)
University of Leipzig, Institute of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacology, GermanyESCOP monographs are essential for the scientific knowledge of medicinal plants and phytopharmaceuticals, and especially their pharmacological properties and therapeutic uses based on evidence. As a university teaching of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy, I consider that the ESCOP monographs provide a complete information on chemistry and pharmacology for teaching in my subjects. (more…)
Rios, José Luis (Spain)
José Luis Ríos. Departament de Farmacologia, Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat deValencia (Spain)ESCOP monographs are a reference source of high scientific quality in relation to scientific data, essential to guarantee the reliable use of phytotherapeutic products. They are a highly recommended study material for students and a reference documentation essential for work in the industry. (more…)
Risco, Ester (Spain)
Associate Professor of Faculty of Pharmacy (University of Barcelona) and Sarrià Chemical Institute (IQS, University Ramon Llull). Development of projects in R+D Departments of IndustryESCOP herbal monographs constitute an informative reference that contributes to a rational clinical use of Phytotherapy by health professionals as well as companies, based on the premises of safety, quality and efficacy. (more…)
Rivera-Arce, Erika (México) †
Mexican Association of Phytotherapy (AMEFIT)In teaching of pharmacognosy the ESCOP monographs provide excellent and concise pharmacological information for the preparation of courses in phytotherapy, for examinations on respective plants as well as in discussions of the feasibility of different pharmacological assays, their advantages and limitations. (more…)
Rollinger, Judith (Austria)
Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna (Austria). Österreichische Gesellschaft für PhytotherapieESCOP monograph provides important and update scientific information on efficacy and safety of herbal drugs. These monographs are very useful for health professionals, researchers, among others. As Professor of Phytotherapy at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Coimbra I recommend them to my students. (more…)
Salgueiro, Ligia (Portugal)
Faculdade de Farmácia, Pólo das Ciências da Saúde. Coimbra (Portugal)ESCOP monographs provide concise pharmacological properties and clinical data of over 120 products derived from medicinal plants. They represent the standard for the production of evidence-based phytomedicines in Europe. The monographs are compiled by an international team of experts in the field of pharmacognosy/phytochemistry, based on up-to-date scientific knowledge, supported by a panel of various international experts. (more…)
Sticher, Otto (Switzerland) †
Professor emeritus, PhD, Pharmacist, Pharmacognosist, Natural product chemist, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)ESCOP monographs constitute a highly reliable and updated source of information on efficacy and safety of herbal drugs and preparations. They are a very useful tool for education of health professionals on Phytotherapy. (more…)
Vila Casanovas, Roser (Spain)
Unitat de Farmacologia, Farmacognòsia i Terapèutica, Facultat de Farmàcia i Ciències de l’Alimentació, Universitat de Barcelona. Sociedad Española de Fitoterapia (Spanish Society of Phytotherapy), SEFITESCOP monographs provide concise, critically peer-reviewed information about pharmacological, pharmacokinetic, preclinical and clinical properties of medicinal plants in animal models and humans. Teaching pharmacognosy and phytotherapy at an University for Veterinary Medicine, I recommend them to students and veterinary practitioners for updating their knowledge about "phytos" used as remedies for animals or even feed additives.
Zitterl-Eglseer, Karin (Austria)
Institut für Tierernährung und funktionelle Pflanzenstoffe, Veterinärplatz 1, 1210 Wien